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Addiction Counselling & Psychotherapy

Addiction Counselling Services in the UK

  • Alcohol Counselling
  • Drug Counselling
  • Cocaine Counselling
  • Cannabis Counselling
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    Private, One-on-One Addiction Counselling & Psychotherapy Service

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we are dedicated to offering state-of-the-art addiction counselling and psychotherapy services, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual.
    Our approach is deeply rooted in the understanding that recovery from addiction is a profoundly personal journey. As such, we focus on delivering bespoke care that addresses not only the behavioural aspects of addiction but its underlying psychological causes as well. Through the expertise of our dedicated addiction therapists and counsellors, we ensure a path to recovery that is uniquely yours.

    Addiction Counselling Session

    Our Flagship 12-Week One-to-One Programme with Expert Addiction Counselling

    Our 12-week One-to-One Programme stands at the heart of our commitment to providing focused, effective, and accessible addiction treatment. Designed to meet our clients at any stage in their recovery journey, this programme embodies our belief in the transformative power of personalised addiction counselling. Specifically structured to be flexible, it offers:

    • In-Person Sessions: Available in Essex, London, Bath, and Bristol, allowing you to meet face-to-face with your dedicated addiction counsellor.
    • Online Sessions: For individuals across the UK, ensuring that no matter where you are, you have access to our expert addiction counselling through online platforms.
    • Hybrid Approach: A combination of in-person and online sessions, tailored to fit your needs and circumstances, providing a comprehensive and adaptable recovery experience.

    12-Week Private Counselling Details

    Our team of experienced addiction therapists and counsellors utilise a diverse array of therapeutic techniques, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), solution-focused therapy (SF), motivational interviewing (MI), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) and more. We develop a treatment plan that is as unique as you, aiming to assist you in overcoming compulsive behaviours and providing you with the tools necessary to prevent future relapses.

    Weekly Tailored Sessions

    Across 12 weeks, you will engage in customised one-hour sessions with your dedicated addiction counsellor, designed to address your unique challenges and achieve your personal recovery goals.

    Targeted Home Assignments

    You will receive personalised assignments and tasks to work on and complete between sessions, designed to align with your recovery treatment plan goals and support your transformation into the person you aspire to be.

    Extended Support

    Completion of the programme grants you access to 12 months of complimentary aftercare, including weekly online workshops, ensuring you receive ongoing support from our dedicated team of addiction therapists.

    Looking For Addiction Counselling Therapy?

    Speak to our addiction specialists in UK about addiction counselling therapy.

    How We Can Help

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we offer specialised addiction counselling services designed to support individuals at various stages of their addiction journey. We understand that each person’s experience with addiction is unique, which is why we adopt a tailored approach in all our interventions. Our team of accredited addiction counsellors brings together a wealth of experience and the latest treatment methodologies to offer effective and compassionate support.

    We cater to a wide spectrum of addictions, including challenges related to alcohol, drugs, cocaine, and cannabis. Our aim is to provide fast-track access to a diverse range of private treatments, ensuring that immediate support is available for those in need. With a strong emphasis on confidentiality and discretion, we create a secure environment that is conducive to recovery and personal growth.

    Our engagement with clients is an ongoing collaborative process. We work closely with each individual to help them understand their addiction, set realistic goals, and establish a comprehensive recovery plan. In addition, we believe in the importance of involving family and close contacts in the recovery journey, ensuring a holistic approach to healing.

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we are dedicated to facilitating a transformative journey towards sustainable recovery for each of our clients.

    Comprehensive Addiction Counselling Therapy Across the UK: Find Healing at Our Centres

    Our dedicated team of addiction therapists is available for one-on-one counselling and therapy both at our centres located across the UK and online, providing flexible options to accommodate your needs and lifestyle

    Looking For Addiction Therapy? Speak To Our Team

    Speak to our addiction specialists in UK about drug counselling therapy.

    Recognising Your Addiction: The First Step Towards Healing

    Acknowledging the presence of an addiction is a crucial, yet often challenging, first step on the journey to recovery. It requires a deep level of introspection, honesty, and the courage to admit that what may have started as casual or recreational use has evolved into a habitual and harmful dependency. Signs that may indicate the shift towards addiction include an uncontrollable craving for substances, an increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms in their absence, neglect of responsibilities, and strained relationships with those around you.

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we understand how difficult taking this first step can be. Our professional addiction counsellors are here to support you through this critical phase of recognition. With expert assessments, we illuminate the extent of the addiction and its impact on your life, providing compassionate guidance to transition from recognition to acceptance. This pivotal moment in the recovery process is where change begins, opening the door to a healthier and more fulfilling future.

    Recognising addiction isn’t just a personal endeavour; it involves your surrounding network of family and friends. Therefore, we extend our support to your loved ones, helping them understand the nature of addiction and the best ways they can offer support. Together, we create a comprehensive support system that facilitates your journey towards recovery.

    Begin Your Recovery Journey Today

    Understanding your addiction is the first step. At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we’re committed to guiding you through each subsequent step with care, expertise, and understanding. Our range of tailored addiction counselling services aims to meet you where you are, providing the tools and support necessary for lasting change. Whether you’re taking the first step in recognising your addiction or ready to explore treatment options, our team is here to support you and your family through a transformative journey towards sustainable recovery.

    Incorporating our commitment to adaptability, we understand that your search for ‘therapy for addiction near me’ or for more specialised support is a call for help that we are fully prepared to answer. Infinity Addiction Solutions is here to offer you the compassionate, expert care you need on your path to recovery. Our dedicated team of addiction therapists and counsellors are committed to your well-being, providing a supportive environment to navigate the challenges of recovery. Whether you engage with us in person or online, we invite you to take the first step towards a new phase of your life with our 12-week One-to-One Programme.

    Contact Us Today

    If you’d like more information on our addiction counselling and psychotherapy, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.


    Thank you Infinity for sorting out the detox for my Dad. You are great.

    Catherine M

    The case management service is brilliant and you have supported me so much I owe you my life. I'm 6 months clean now and feel alive again thanks to you.


    Infinity arranged treatment for my daughter and have been amazing throughout the whole process. knowledgeable and always willing to help. I can't thank you enough as i've now got my daughter back.


    The family training was outstanding. You have given me such a good understanding of addiction and I am now able to help support my son. So informative.

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