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Support For Families of Addicts: Experiencing A Loved One’s Addiction

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    Support for Family Members of People Suffering from Addiction Problems

    Here at Infinity Addiction Solutions, we are sensitive to the strain that substance misuse and addiction can place a family unit under. Sometimes, it can feel like a loved-one’s addiction might stress your family to breaking point.

    Firstly, you should realise that such problems are not uncommon and that you are not alone in facing them. Many families have been through something similar and come out the other side strengthened for it.

    That said, discussing these matters – even with the understanding and caring professionals at Infinity Addiction Solutions – can be tough. After all, these matters are often extremely private and sensitive in their nature. They can carry elements of shame or feelings of guilt, too.

    We Know It’s Important To Get Support For Family Members

    Bear in mind that our consultants fully understand and appreciate the impact of addiction on the family unit as a whole.

    Common Traits of Addiction Effecting Families

    • Anxiety
    • Fear
    • Hurt
    • Frustration
    • Mistrust

    The above can all occur when a loved one is on a path toward seeming self-destruction.

    Feeling helpless is common but there are things that you can do to help. Equally, feeling unloved by the addict due to their behaviour will often mean that family members attempt to redress the balance by pleading, demanding or even avoiding talking about the subject of addiction at all.

    These are normal coping strategies that unknowingly drives the family unit farther and farther apart.

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we can provide support for families of addicts with courses that will put their loved-one on the path to recovery and do so in such a way that also supports the family unit at the same time.

    Ask Us About Our Support For Families of Addicts Services

    Speak to our addiction specialists in Essex who can help you today.

    Support Programmes For Families Of people who misuse drugs at Infinity Addiction Solutions

    We are proud to offer a variety of family support programmes which are facilitated by highly skilled professionals who are up-to-date with the latest techniques in uniting a family unit facing addiction. The aim is to support you and your family, to get your loved one the help and treatment they need to cope with their addiction and, ultimately, to recover from it as well as help restore the loving ballance within your family unit.

    Infinity Addiction Solutions offers a range of packages designed to help resolve crisis situations. This means supporting families prior to addiction treatments, during them and after treatment has occurred. Typical support packages are a part of many of our treatments, or can be obtained separately and include:

    This means understanding substance misuse, dependency and addictive behaviours more fully. By better informing a family about the illness of addiction and the recommended steps to take, so familial support of a loved-one suffering from addiction can be greatly enhanced.

    This approach involves an addiction professional who is trained to work closely with families when a loved one is resistant to the idea of obtaining professional support, for example admitting into a rehabilitation facility. They will often help families to make an intervention more effective than it otherwise would have been, steering the addicted person or loved on towards accepting treatment.

    This package operates like a post-treatment insurance policy whereby an agreement is drawn up which will help a recovering addict and his or her family to act appropriately as recovery continues. Such packages function over an agreed period and often help to greatly reduce the risk of triggers which might lead to a relapse. Typically, they might include drug or alcohol testing but they vary according to the needs of the individual.

    Speak To Our Team About Support For Families

    Sometimes family members will find it tough to get their loved one who is in their midst to admit there is even a problem at all. Commonly, people will claim that they don’t need help, that others need more help than they do, that help will cost too much money or that something else is more important in the short-term.

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, we can assist you with strategies to overcome these objections and help you to guide your loved one into a state where he or she is more willing to talk about the sort of therapeutic measures that will suit their needs.

    You can talk to our consultants in total confidence about your family member’s addiction. We’ll help you to get some perspective on what is ‘normal’ behaviour compared with what only seems ‘normal’ when you are sharing your life with an addicted person. This, alone, can be a big emotional help.

    Ask Us About Support For Families

    Speak to our addiction specialists who can help you today.

    Support for Families of People who Misuse Alcohol

    If you’re looking for support in dealing with the impacts of addiction on your family life, you can find it here. We understand that caring for or supporting a loved one who is struggling with alcoholism can be stressful and cause many emotions from heartache to frustration. That’s why we offer alcohol rehab and treatment services specifically designed to support not just your loved one, but also the entire family affected by their struggle with alcohol. Our staff has expertise in psychoeducation, substance abuse counselling, support groups, and more – whatever it takes to provide real help to individuals and families struggling with alcoholism so they can start rebuilding health and a sense of stability. Allow us the opportunity to support you and your loved ones during this difficult time with our support for families of people who misuse Alcohol.

    Addiction Treatment & Support For Families of People Who Misuse Drugs

    At Infinity Addiction Solutions, our person-centered approach is not just there to help addicted people but those around them, too. People in close proximity to addiction can suffer greatly.

    As such, our empathetic and knowledgeable team stands by ready to help family members as well as addicted people themselves in just the same non-judgemental and approachable manner.


    Thank you Infinity for being such a big part in helping my family. We were all so lost and now we are positive and have hope.
    I truly feel I have my son back

    Catherine M

    What an eye opening experience. If your family need support with a loved ones addiction then Infinity Addiction's family support is what I definitely recommend. Absolutely brilliant support. Thank you.


    Infinity arranged treatment for my daughter and have been amazing throughout the whole process. knowledgeable and always willing to help. I can't thank you enough as i've now got my daughter back.


    The family training was outstanding. You have given me such a good understanding of addiction and I am now able to help support my son. So informative.

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