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How To Prepare For Rehab

We understand that many feel overwhelmed at the thought of entering a rehabilitation programme due to the uncertainty surrounding treatment and their stay. Thankfully, in this article we’re going to conquer that uncertainty by providing you with information about your own personal preparation and what you can do to prepare for a residential stay in a rehabilitation programme.

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Here are just a few tips to keep you as fully prepared as possible, giving you space and time to concentrate on your recovery:

Ensure Everyday Obligations Are Taken Care Of

If you’re entering into inpatient rehab, it goes without saying that your normal day-to-day activities and responsibilities will need to be taken care of by someone else. Take a look at the admin you might need to step away from and have things prepared.

Make sure bills are paid, time off of work is organised and children/pets are looked after. Are you a carer for a relative? Can you organise for someone else to take care of them while you’re away? Having all of this taken care of will allow you to focus fully on your recovery and not spend your time wondering if things are ok at home.

Ensure You Have Comfortable Clothing

We all like to look good but during your rehab stay, comfort is the priority first and foremost. Make sure you have comfortable clothing such as tracksuit bottoms, trainers and hoodies. You’re going to want to spend your time relaxing and in some cases, making use of any gym facilities available. Stay comfortable and ready for your rehab programme.

Bring Motivational Photos/Memorabilia

We’re all getting better for ourselves but there may well be people in our lives that motivate us. Bring photographs or mementos that remind you of those reasons. Remind yourself of your motivations in your room so when it’s time to retire for the evening, or time to begin your day even, you immediately see one of the main reasons you’re doing this. You may be surprised at the support you feel from this.

Bring Things To Keep Your Mind Occupied

There will always be down time. You might find yourself hitting the gym and then wondering what to do. We advise bringing books or devices to listen to music on. Do remember however, that there are policies in place restricting certain electronic devices. We can advise you on this before you enter.

Take A Journal With You

It’s always important to reflect, to make notes of how you’re feeling or how certain activities made you feel. By bringing a journal, you can write down your thoughts, feelings and even help manage your own emotions. Look at aspects of treatment that are really working for you, and make sure you note these down.

Prepare To Take Part

Whether you’re an inpatient or outpatient, you need to prepare to join in and take part in sessions. Go in with your eyes open, and make sure you fully participate in group meetings as well as private meetings to really get the most out of your treatment.

Contact Infinity Addiction Solution Today

During our inpatient treatment programmes, it’s our intention to ensure you leave the worries of the world outside exactly there, giving you time to focus on your own recovery. For more information, contact us today on 0800 334 5541.

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