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What To Expect From Rehab

Rehab or ‘rehabilitation’ as it’s actually known is an integral part of all long-term recovery journeys from addiction. Whether you suffer from substance addiction or a behavioural addiction, professional rehabilitation can lead to much longer or even complete periods of sobriety.

Articles About Addiction

Rehabilitation can be tough to define as it encompasses a set of processes and treatments to help the patient understand their addiction along with its triggers. Due to the nature of rehab however, it’s understandable that many are apprehensive about what to expect. In this article, we’re looking at what you can expect in rehab, as well as a run-through of a typical day before looking at what you can expect after rehab.

What To Expect During Rehab

Before the rehab process can begin, you’ll first need to commit an admission. The length of time you’ll need to spend in rehabilitation however will be determined by you – it varies from person to person. On average, a stay can last around 28 to 30 days however there are longer stays on average of around 90 days with very severe cases taking around 18 months. You’ll begin rehab with a very thorough assessment, which will determine your specific needs and help us to create a bespoke programme for you.

You’ll likely begin your journey with a process of detoxification from the substance or behaviour you’re addicted to. This will give both body and mind a chance to clear and help end your current dependence. You’ll be under medical supervision, helping you through withdrawal symptoms too. Once you’ve passed this mile stone, more psychological work will begin. This will usually involve therapies and counselling with any one of our trained professionals.

A Typical Day In Rehab

A typical day during rehab may look a little like…

  • Daily intention setting
  • Therapy sessions including but not limited to – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Counselling, Alternative Treatment Services, 12 Step Programmes, Reflection.
  • Exercise Or Outdoor Time

What To Expect After Rehab

Here at Infinity Addiction Solutions, we see after-care as being just as important as the rehab programme itself. While we will do all we can to prepare you for life outside of rehab, we also prepare you to accept that the handwork won’t stop there. However, with our after-care programmes, you’ll still receive all the support you need. This may involve you taking part in therapy sessions around your daily life, as well as checking in with support networks as well as your counsellors to ensure you remain on track.

Contact Infinity Addiction Solution Today

If you’d like more information on rehab services here at Infinity Addiction Solutions, be it residential or outpatient, please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0800 334 5541. Our team will be only too happy to provide you with the help you need, when you need it.

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