With the World Wide Web being ever-more available, through smart devices and smart phones, is it really any wonder that internet usage has skyrocketed to almost three billion users worldwide?
That’s almost 40% of the world’s population. Such high usage of the internet is leading to the emergence of novel addictions, and this isn’t only a problem for those struggling with a penchant for online shopping. It’s also caused a rise in pornography addiction amongst a particular demographic: teenagers.
Articles About Addiction
How Porn Addiction Starts?
Porn addiction is without a doubt on the rise and for the simple fact that it can develop so easily. How?
- Well, it engages the most responsive sense we possess, our sight.
- It’s also readily available to us whenever we want it.
- It’s even considered to be more addictive than drugs and alcohol for the simple fact that the images and memories remain with us long after we’ve viewed the images or video.
- As the brain becomes used to the images and videos seen, it begins craving not only more images but more deviant images in order to satisfy itself.
- Addicts then find themselves seeking increasingly more hardcore porn depicting violence amongst other worrying scenes in order to satisfy their cravings.
Why Is Porn Addiction Higher in Men?
The question is, why are teenage boys between the ages of 12 and 17 most at risk? For the simple fact that their bodies and brains are developing. They’re continually seeking this information out as hormones score through their bodies and with such natural cravings being catered to with ease through the ever-available internet, it’s no wonder that they’re finding themselves craving more and more via the internet.
Viewing pornography to such an extent, at that age however, can deform what’s known as the pleasure centres making it very difficult to step away and recover than say, an older male who never had access to the internet as a child or teen.
The First Step In Prevention - Know The Warning Signs
While there is currently no medical definition of pornography addiction, there are most definitely recognised warning signs. Addicts may show ADHD like symptoms or show a difficulty in concentrating. They may also appear anxious. If you feel someone you know may be showing typical warning signs of porn addiction, consider asking them a few of the following questions:
- How often do you watch porn?
- How long do you watch it for?
- How long has it been since you last watched it?
- Do you find yourself seeking more images in order to satisfy yourself?
The answers to questions such as these could very well indicate an addiction to porn.
What Can You Do As Parents/Carers?
The first step is to ensure you’re promoting an open and honest relationship that can comfortably withstand frank discussions about the above subject. Children are very much influenced by their parents when it comes to sex with regards to if and how they talk about it.
Once you’re able to open this channel of communication, it’s time to make them aware of the dangers of pornography and give them the mental capacity to understand it as well as withstand the peer pressure they’ll undoubtedly get.
Get Help With Infinity Addiction
If you’d like more information or perhaps even help from professionals, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Infinity Addiction today. Call 0800 334 5541 now. With our professional help, you can help your teenager through the difficulties of porn addiction to ensure they grow into well rounded adults.